Dragana Kazandjiovska
Dragana Kazandjiovska graduated in 2010 at the University of Skopje, and obtained her
doctorate from Sapienza, in Rome in 2020, where she also was a post-doctoral Fellow in
2023-24. Her research focusses on the perception and cartographic representation of narrative
space in Italian contemporary literature and the history of linguistics in the southern slavic
area. She teaches Italian and Macedonian. Since 2023 she has been part of EUROTALES for
which she curates collections and the archive.

Elisa Gregorio
Elisa Gregorio was born near Turin, but has been living and studying in Rome for some time
now. She graduated with a Joint Degree from Sapienza and Sorbonne Université, Paris. She
is currently a doctoral student at the l’Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio
Meridionale. Her research focuses on the female protagonists in Calvino’s Fiabe Italiane.
She has been part of the EUROTALES museum since its inauguration in 2022, she has
contributed many resonances and a panel on the vernacular trace at the Sainte-Chapelle in
Paris, part of our permanent exhibition at Sapienza.

Gaia Tomazzoli
Gaia Tomazzoli obtained her doctorate from the Università Ca’ Foscari in Venice. She has
taught at the Sorbonne Université, Paris and is currently a researcher at Sapienza. She
coordinated the the launch of the EUROTALES museum and the Festival Calliope (5-8 July