The DIFFUSEUM refers to the late 20th-century concept of a ‘museo diffuso’, a term which indicates historically and culturally significant objects dispersed over a territory that, together, demonstrate an identity or idea that can be described by means of a museum itinerary. The DIFFUSEUM of EUROTALES is a collection of physical objects, monuments places and people that constitute the memory of linguistic cultures scattered throughout the territory of Europe and which includes TRACES together with the geo-localizable elements of RESONANCES. Placing the TRACES and RESONANCES on a map foregrounds the role of place and provenance for the archaeo-geography of the linguistic communities we are trying to build. The DIFFUSEUM provides the necessary data to construct both local linguistic itineraries and those covering the whole continent. Try some of our itineraries or build your own using our search engine! Soon an app will be available.
And for the grand finale, play with our app *The Music of My Languages*: you can compose a melody inspired by the languages that resonate within you or have fun with the slide of language families.
The museum is one of the activities of the Marco Polo House of Languages.