EUROTALES (Talking Atlas of the Linguistic Cultures at European Sites) – Museum of the Voices of Europe, is the museum branch of CALLIOPE (Casa delle Lingue e delle Letterature in Opera), whose mission it is to establish new approaches to researching, representing and studying, as well as sharing the intangible cultural heritage constituted by the many languages used in Europe in the past and today.

The broad objective of CALLIOPE is the dissemination of conscious practices of recognition and appreciation of each person’s linguistic culture in the context of the community to which he belongs, and to thus encourage not only dialogue between cultures, but the construction of a shared identity which enhances diversity and multiculturalism and promotes cohesion and social inclusion.

CALLIOPE is housed in the Marco Polo building at Sapienza, in a neighborhood of the city that is both historic and marginal – CALLIOPE forms a nucleus that brings people together through experimentation and embraces an exhibition center promoting research and reflection on local cultures and communities, created ‘together with’ rather than ‘for’ the neighborhood and the city, in constant dialogue and active collaboration with the fabric of social life. It promotes cultural initiatives deriving from the collaboration between the University and the territory, in particular thematic exhibitions and exhibitions on migrant languages, the mapping of the linguistic histories of the inhabitants of our territories; musical and theatrical performances; meetings and readings with Italian and foreign writers; workshops and seminars open to students of Sapienza courses, with the involvement of teachers and high school students.